Saturday 14 May 2016

The Fabulous Ball of 2016/17

The match ball for the EPL 2016/ 2017 season has been unveiled as the Nike Ordem 4 and it's fabulous.
Nike Ordem 4

The Premier League ball is a constant throughout all games, so the final design is an important decision. In recent years the ball design has strayed away from the classic white with dark coloured highlights to predominantly non-white colours. The 2016/17 ball has maintained this trend by containing a pink, blue, green gradient with black hexagon borders on a white surface. 

Fans have displayed mixed responses to the new ball design with some loving the change and others finding the ball quite ugly.

"It's quite ugly"
- Old curmudgeonly fan
"Yea, it's nice I suppose."
 - Random bystander

While the new ball is a departure from the older style balls, it is exciting to see a ball that will stand out on the pitch as it is manoeuvred by players. What are your thoughts on the new ball? Will it pave the way for more colourful balls, or will this be a one off experiment in the EPL?

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